From the available rumen methanogen 16S rRNA gene public dataset,

From the available rumen methanogen 16S rRNA gene public dataset, Kim et al. [3] conservatively identified 950 species-level OTUs, and it has been predicted that many novel archaea still remain to be identified. In this context, the natural division of Methanobrevibacter-like sequences into the SGMT and RO clades could prove useful in developing population structure models for foregut methanogens that take into account phylogeny and representation. Improved population models could then be tested for methane production under controlled conditions in vivo or in vitro. This strategy may therefore prove to be very valuable in the design of broad range mitigation strategies in the future. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Leona and Chuck Bizzozero of Hespe Garden Ranch and Rescue (Washington, Vermont, AZD0156 USA) for the opportunity to sample forestomach contents from some of their animals. Electronic supplementary material Additional file 1: Table S1. List of individual 16S rRNA gene

sequences identified in the forestomach of the alpaca and their corresponding GenBank accession. Identical sequences found more than once are indicated and grouped under a single representative with the same accession. (XLS 122 KB) References 1. Murray RM, Byrant AM, Leng RA: Rates of production of methane in the rumen and large intestine in sheep. Brit J Nutr 1976, 36:1–14.PubMedCrossRef 2. Johnson KA, Johnson DE: Methane emissions from cattle. J Anim Sci 1995, 73:2483–2492.PubMed 3. Kim M, Morrison M, Yu Z: Status of the phylogenetic diversity census of ruminal microbiomes. FEMS Microbiol Ecol 2011, 76:49–63.PubMedCrossRef

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