This suggests that damb flies are defective in their ability to forget the first contingency, and this interferes with expressing Selleck XAV-939 memory of the reversal contingency. To better assess the nature of the immediate memory defect in damb mutant flies ( Figure 6A), we performed a memory acquisition curve by varying the number of electric-shock pulses given during the training ( Figure 6C). We found that damb mutants acquired memory at a similar rate as control flies up to six shocks, but their memory plateaued at a slight but significantly
lower level at 12 shocks. To determine whether damb mutants exhibit behaviors consistent with having normal sensorimotor systems that underlie olfactory classical conditioning, we performed shock and odor avoidance controls. We found that SB431542 mw at higher voltages, including the 90V standardly used in training, damb mutants were impaired in shock avoidance ( Figure 6D), while their
odor avoidance was not significantly different from the control ( Figure 6E). Thus, DAMB appears to be required for effective perception of the electric shock US, which may explain the slight deficiency in immediate learning in damb mutants ( Figures 6A and 6C). All together, these data indicate that, while the dDA1 receptor is important for forming aversive memories, the DAMB receptor is important for forgetting them. By modulating the activity of DANs in an acute and reversible way, visualizing Ca2+-based DAN synaptic activity, and conducting behavioral analyses of a dopamine receptor mutant, we have established that dopamine (DA) plays a dual role in learning and forgetting. We propose that after DANs fulfill Carnitine palmitoyltransferase II their role in the acquisition of memory by providing a US signal to the MBs predominantly through the dopamine receptor dDA1,
they continue to release dopamine onto the MBs that signals through the DAMB receptor to cause forgetting of recently acquired labile memories (Figure 7). We hypothesize that consolidation works to shield important memories from this ongoing dopamine-MB forgetting mechanism. This model is based on several specific lines of evidence: we discovered that blocking the output from DANs after learning enhances memory expression (Figures 1A and 1B), while stimulating DANs accelerated memory decay (Figures 1C and 1D). These effects were delimited to the c150-gal4 subset of DANs ( Figures 2B and 2C), which includes the PPL1 DANs that project to the heel/peduncle (MP1), junction/lower-stalk (MV1), and upper-stalk regions of the MB neuropil (V1). We confirmed that the MP1 and MV1 DANs exhibit activity in naive animals through G-CaMP functional imaging as predicted by the synaptic blocking experiments, and this activity is synchronized between the two DANs and persists after learning ( Figure 5).