This possible limita tion was addressed by performing an extensive medical examination for signs and symptoms of OA and by exclu ding volunteers who experienced pain levels of 5 or greater within one minute of using the stepmill. UC II is a unique ingredient that supports healthy joints. Previous studies have focused on the efficacy of this ingre dient in OA subjects. By including Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries healthy subjects in this study, and using non disease endpoints as a measure of effi cacy, it is believed that the benefits that derive from UC II usage now extends to include healthy individuals. Further, this ingredient appears to be safe for human consumption based on an extensive series of in vivo and in vitro toxico logical studies as well as the absence of any adverse events in this and in previous human studies.
In conclu sion, daily supplementation with 40 mg of UC II supports joint function and flexibility in healthy subjects as demon strated by greater knee extension and has the potential both to alleviate the joint pain that occasionally arises from strenuous exercise as Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries well as to lengthen periods of pain free exertion. Background Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disorder char acterized by articular cartilage damage, formation of osteophytes and subchondral bone cysts, thickened sub chondral plate, inflammation and neovascularisation of synovial membrane. OA is one of the leading causes of disability among the aging population. The two im portant risk factors for developing OA are obesity and age. Despite the high prevalence of OA, its mec hanism of pathogenesis still remains unclear.
The diagnosis of OA can Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries be made based on structural abnor malities or symptoms resulting from these abnormalities. While OA is evident radiologically in most of the elderly population, only 10% are symptomatic and exhibit a measurable limitation of function. Further, radiographs may be normal in early disease owing to lack of sensitiv ity in visualizing minimal cartilage loss. Thus, the diagnostic tools that are currently in use have their own limitations and provide an inaccurate assessment of Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries dis ease progression. Finally, the drugs currently used for the treatment of OA are aimed at reducing pain and do not possess any disease modifying activity. Studying the synovial fluid proteome should yield a higher concentration of potential biomarkers than serum or plasma, as the synovial fluid is in direct physical contact with the synovium, ligament, meniscus, joint capsule and bone.
Alterations in the structure and metabolism of any of these tissues during disease should be reflected as al terations in the composition of the synovial fluid proteome. Therefore, the synovial fluid proteome has the potential to indicate the severity and progression Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries of the disease. Advances in proteomic technologies have facilitated exten sive proteomic characterization of several body fluids.