The good spatial and temporal resolution provided by MERIS, offers a firm basis for using remote sensing as a complementary monitoring method in ICZM [33] and [46]. Remote sensing provides synoptic data over whole water basins as well as coastal areas, and in combination with conventional monitoring, one can get a more holistic view of what processes are occurring in any given coastal ecosystem. The operational remote sensing system presented here follows the EC recommendation on ICZM on providing information and data in a format that is accessible for decision makers, that
is user-friendly and readily publicly available. Furthermore, the system covers CH5424802 price the Swedish great lakes that are also partially part of the Baltic Sea catchment area. Furthermore, remote sensing data may provide ocean boundary conditions for coastal areas, and help establish the cause of violation of quality thresholds for certain indicators. The continuous measurements provided by remote
sensing can help to monitor rapid changes in algal communities, and e.g. detect peaks of algal blooms that may be missed out by ship-borne monitoring methods [33]. selleck kinase inhibitor If remote sensing and bio-optical modeling are used together, satellite-derived water quality variables can indicate the impact from nutrients from land onto coastal water bodies covered by the WFD. Applications of remote sensing techniques are therefore significant. In general, the focus of data acquisition on natural systems has been mostly on the spatial L-NAME HCl and temporal distributions of substances e.g. in response to natural processes or human-induced impact studies. As shown here, remote sensing is a very useful tool to illustrate such distributions. The SPICOSA approach emphasizes the capacity to make numerical predictions of a system’s natural response. This requires a well-designed, efficient model approach that extracts and validates data that can serve as a proxy for tracking system functions. Ocean color remote sensing is a relatively new technique, and when validated and combined with ship-based
conventional monitoring programs, can significantly improve levels of understanding of coastal ecosystems. Once validated and integrated, such techniques can result in global near real-time and continuous monitoring of coastal ecosystems. It may be anticipated that such a shift in observational techniques will be required in order to support current and future EU directives related to sustainable development of the coastal zone. Existing approaches in coastal management in Sweden do not make full use of bio-optics and remote sensing and the associated gains in terms of spatial coverage. Chlorophyll a, Secchi depth and CDOM can be used as proxies for some of the quality elements defined in the WFD.