The E. coli NuoCD sub-complex is important for binding of some of the six Nuo-integrated Fe-S clusters [53]. Subunits of Fe-S cluster proteins with roles in two anaerobic energy metabolism branches were check details also less abundant in iron-depleted cells. This pertained to PflB#37 and YfiD#19, proteins of the formate-pyruvate lyase complex, and FrdA#6, which is part of the terminal electron acceptor fumarate reductase (Figure 4).
Decreased abundances of metabolically active Fe-S cluster enzymes were a notable feature of iron-starved Y. pestis proteome profiles, while the abundance and activity of PoxB suggested that this enzyme was important to maintain the aerobic energy metabolism and iron cofactor-independent generation of UQH2 in iron-deficient
Y. pestis cells. selleck chemical Oxidative selleck chemicals stress response in Y. pestis under iron starvation conditions Oxidative stress is caused by various oxygen radicals and H2O2, and catalyzed by redox enzymes in non-specific reactions. While the presence of free intracellular iron aggravates oxidative stress via the Fenton reaction, it is mitigated by cytoplasmic proteins that scavenge free iron, e.g. Dps and the ferritins FtnA and Bfr [54]. The question arose how aerobically growing, iron-deficient Y. pestis cells coped with oxidative stress. One of the main E. coli global regulators of the oxidative stress response, the Fe-S cluster protein SoxR, is not encoded in the Y. pestis genome [2]. The other global oxidative stress response regulator is OxyR. OxyR#4 (Figure 4) was not altered in abundance in Y. pestis comparing -Fe and+Fe conditions. Among the enzymes deactivating H2O2 and oxygen radicals are catalases/peroxidases and superoxide dismutases (SODs). Y. pestis produces two catalases with heme cofactors in high abundance. KatE#40 (Y2981) was predominantly expressed at 26°C (Figure 4) and KatY#12 (Y0870) at 37°C. Cytoplasmic SODs include SodB#31, which has an iron cofactor, and SodA#52, which has a manganese cofactor (Figure
4). Periplasmic SodC#84 has a copper/zinc cofactor (Figure 2). Iron availability-dependent patterns of abundance Thalidomide changes reminiscent of enzymes with functions in energy metabolism were observed. Only the iron-dependent proteins KatE, KatY and SodB were strongly diminished in abundance in iron-depleted cells (Table 3). We also determined overall catalase and SOD activities. Catalase reaction rates were 3.2-fold and 2.6-fold higher in lysates derived from iron-replete vs. iron-starved cells at 26°C (stationary and exponential phase, respectively; Table 4). SOD reaction rates were 2-fold higher in the exponential phase, but not significantly altered in the stationary phase (Table 4). This data was in good agreement with differential abundance data, although individual activities of SodA, SodB and SodC could not be discerned with the assay.