Standardized, comprehensive clinical diagnosis was performed. The major aim of Adriamycin the study was to investigate whether IgE-dependent mechanisms are of diagnostic value for patients with MDI asthma, to standardize the available antibody tests for variations in conjugate preparations (the art of the conjugation, the incubation time) and the clinical diagnosis for isocyanate asthma (vs. hypersensitivity pneumonitis). Data were collected and analyzed to determine the influence of the variations in conjugate preparation (in-solution, in-vapor and the available commercial preparation) on antibody
binding and the relations with the comprehensive detailed clinical diagnosis. Detailed diagnostic criteria are provided for both isocyanate asthma and hypersensitivity pneumonitis). Methods Study population We analyzed 43 persons, which include all patients with occupational exposure to MDI and presumed isocyanate asthma who were referred to our outpatient clinic by general practitioners in the last 5 years (n = 12). Three additional control groups were also studied: 6 asymptomatic industrial workers currently exposed to ~5 ppb MDI investigated in the workplace,
12 patients with occupational baker’s asthma, not exposed to isocyanates, and 13 unexposed healthy PU-H71 price control subjects. The median value for the demographic, clinical and functional characteristics of the symptomatic patients and the VX-680 controls were as follows: patient age 43 year (27–67), controls 46 year (28–61), in the patient group 91 % were men and in the control
group 61 %; the total IgE values for the patient group were 102 kU/L IgE (2–1669), for the control group 92 kU/L (7–893); the median FEV1/FVC ratio in the MDI-exposed patient group was 0.79. Smoking status: 33 % of the patients were smokers, 8 % non-smokers and 58 % ex-smokers; in the control group: 11 % were smokers, 64 % non-smokers and 14 % ex-smokers. The patients and controls filled in questionnaires regarding check their workplaces, working conditions, exposure, respiratory symptoms and smoking habits (the smoking status was confirmed with cotinine measurements); The patients underwent an extensive asthma examination (see Tables 1, 2; Fig. 1 for details). None of the isocyanate asthma patients (and controls) was under medication at the time of the study. The clinical, demographic and functional characteristics of the individual subjects are delineated in the results, as appropriate. The study was approved by the Institutional Ethics Review Board, (IRB0003648, Hamburg, Germany).