Sequence analyses revealed that this gene is a relic of the B-type Pcdhg isoforms, and its promoter region also contains a conserved sequence element (CSE) found in most Pcdh genes ( Figures S4E–S4G). The expression levels of most Pcdhg isoforms are not affected by the deletion of C-type genes except for a few neighboring ones which are upregulated, and buy Quisinostat quantification of constant exon reads indicated that the combinatorial expression levels of the remaining Pcdhg genes in Pcdhgtcko/tcko mice are ∼75% of the wild-type levels ( Figures S4C and S4D and Table S1). Thus, the loss
of function of the C-type isoforms cannot be compensated by other Pcdhg isoforms. Many Pcdhb genes (as well as AK149307) are marginally upregulated in the this website Pcdhgtcko/tcko mice, likely also due to the action of the Pcdhb cluster enhancer as mentioned above. In addition, no neomorphic Pcdhg variants were detected in Pcdhgtcko/tcko mutants with splice junction analysis of the RNA-Seq data ( Table S2). The striking phenotypic similarities in contrast to the vastly distinct Pcdh repertoires in Pcdhgtcko/tcko and Pcdhgdel/del mutants suggest that lack of the C-type Pcdhg isoforms themselves, which is common for both mutants, is the primary cause of the common phenotypes. Since the primary phenotype observed
in both Pcdhgtcko/tcko and Pcdhgdel/del is neuronal cell death, we crossed both mutant lines to Bax knockout mice ( Knudson et al., 1995) to compare phenotypes when neuronal apoptosis
is genetically blocked. Consistent Urease with previous observations ( Weiner et al., 2005), Pcdhgdel/del;Bax−/− pups show improved neurological function as compared with Pcdhgdel/del mutants, yet they still lack voluntary movements, and despite considerable efforts we were unable to recover any Pcdhgdel/del;Bax−/− mutants beyond P0 ( Table 1 and Movie S2). Surprisingly, however, while some Pcdhgtcko/tcko;Bax−/− mutants die at P0, many live substantially longer despite being weaker and smaller than wild-type and heterozygous pups. By culling littermates we were able to recover a number of Pcdhgtcko/tcko;Bax−/− mutants at weaning age. Some of these animals survived up to 6 months, although their persistent ataxia indicates neurological impairment ( Table 1 and Movie S2). As described for the Pcdhgdel/del;Bax−/− mutants ( Prasad et al., 2008; Weiner et al., 2005), the morphology of spinal cord sections of Pcdhgtcko/tcko;Bax−/− is indistinguishable from that of the Pcdhg+/+;Bax−/− animals, showing no signs of astrogliosis or microglia activation, and the arborization patterns of IaPA terminals appear largely indistinguishable from those of the controls ( Figure S5A). Counts of both VGAT+ and VGLUT1+ inputs onto motor neurons were normal in the Bax−/− genetic background, while VGLUT2+ and VAChT+ synapses remain unchanged ( Figure S5B).