CCRI 17393 [GenBank: FJ154809b] [GenBank: FJ154820b] [GenBank: FJ154831b] [GenBank: FJ154799b] S. salivarius CCUG 25922 [GenBank: FJ154810b] [GenBank: FJ154821b] [GenBank: FJ154832b] [GenBank: FJ154800b] S. salivarius CCUG 27306a [GenBank: FJ154811b] [GenBank: FJ154822b] [GenBank: FJ154833b] [GenBank: FJ154801b] S. salivarius CCUG 32452 [GenBank: FJ154812b] [GenBank: FJ154823b] [GenBank: FJ154834b] [GenBank: FJ154802b] S. salivarius CCUG 7215a [GenBank: FJ154813b] [GenBank: FJ154824b] [GenBank: FJ154835b] [GenBank: FJ154803b] S. salivarius K12 [GenBank: FJ154814b] [GenBank: FJ154825b] [GenBank: FJ154836b] [GenBank: FJ154804b] S. sanguinis SK36 [GenBank: NC_009009] [GenBank: NC_009009] [GenBank: NC_009009] [GenBank: NC_009009] S. suis 05ZYH33 [GenBank: NC_009442] [GenBank: NC_009442] [GenBank: NC_009442] [GenBank: NC_009442] S. suis 98HAH33 [GenBank: NC_009443] [GenBank: PLX3397 NC_009443] [GenBank: NC_009443] [GenBank: NC_009443]
S. thermophilus CNRZ1066 [GenBank: NC_006449] [GenBank: NC_006449] [GenBank: NC_006449] [GenBank: NC_006449] S. thermophilus LMD-9 [GenBank: NC_008532] [GenBank: NC_008532] [GenBank: NC_008532] [GenBank: NC_008532] S. thermophilus LMG 18311 [GenBank: NC_006448] [GenBank: NC_006448] [GenBank: NC_006448] [GenBank: NC_006448] S. vestibularis ATCC 49124 [GenBank: FJ154815b] [GenBank: FJ154826b] [GenBank: FJ154837b] [GenBank: AY188353] S. vestibularis CCRI 17387 [GenBank: FJ154816b] [GenBank: FJ154827b] [GenBank: FJ154838b] [GenBank: FJ154805b] a Erroneously categorized as Streptococcus vestibularis Selleckchem PD0325901 in the culture collection of the University of Göteborg (CCUG) b This study Acknowledgements This study was funded by Canadian Institute of Health Research Olopatadine (CIHR) operating grant MOP 177248 to MF. JFP is the recipient of the FQRNT/Génome Québec Louis-Berlinguet postdoctoral fellowship. The sequencing service of the Centre de bio-informatique et de biologie computationnelle (CBBC) at Université Laval and the CHUL sequencing service sequenced the DNA templates. We thank Gene Bourgeau for editorial help and Dr. John R. Tagg for kindly sending us S. salivarius
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