Paramount for patients is the knowledge that their information will be handled securely, that their privacy in health matters will be protected, and that the confidentiality of this information is respected. find more Altogether, for personalized medical practice
to flourish and provide meaningful value, a health information exchange system must be developed that enables information to be mobile, standards-based, and support evidence-based medical care practices. The yield from this will be greater use of health care provider resources, more precision and predictability in medical choices, and provision of patients with more information and choices Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to address their needs. Public databases and data access One of the key facets enabling the rapid entry of genomic information into clinical application is the policy framework that underpinned the dissemination of research Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical information. The public aspects of federally
funded research did not stop with the completion of the human genome project. While the early part of this decade led to the birth of commercial entities that build genomic databases, the avenues of public Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical information resources continued to evolve. A series of policies led major science and medical journals to require submission of newly discovered gene sequences into GenBank. This process of openness continued with establishment of additional databases requiring transparency of Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical research, enabling resources to be used for new discovery rather than replication of results. One of the key building blocks for establishing the base for personalized medicine and the rapid advances of genomic research was built on fundamental Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical public access
policies initiated in the 1990s. In 1996, free Internet access to the National Library of Medicine Medline holdings of scientific information rapidly accelerated the dissemination of new science. The National Center for Biological Information added immense public databases of genomic information, imaging repositories, and many other resources that support the translation of research already into medical applications. Further advancing this is a policy implemented in 2008 requiring all NIH-funded scientific publications to be made publicly available within 12 months of publication.22 PubMed Central, an open-source digital information resource, was established in February 2000 and has been followed by additional open-source publication venues. The net yield of these public policy efforts was to make biological information more readily available and accelerate the application of discovery research into clinical and translational research. While it is difficult to quantify the impact of public policies on the openness of scientific information, the effects have been widespread.