Our study was performed at 13 sites (Figure 1) in the Lithuanian

Our study was performed at 13 sites (Figure 1) in the Lithuanian part of the Curonian Lagoon during a two-day cruise at the end of July 2005. Samples were collected from the surface water

(0.5 m depth) with a Ruttner collector and treated according to standard requirements. Physicochemical parameters, chlorophyll a concentration (representing phytoplankton biomass) and bacteria abundance were determined at each station. Salinity was measured in situ with GSK269962 nmr a WTW MulstiLine F/Set 3 portable universal meter; chlorophyll a was extracted with 90% acetone and analysed spectrophotometrically ( Jeffrey & Humphrey 1975). The material for virioplankton morphological studies (1000 ml) was collected in PE bottles rinsed with water from the study sites and kept cold (+4°C) until further processing. In the laboratory the samples were passed through a 0.45 μm pore size membrane filter to remove larger particles. Viruses were concentrated 200 times by filtration onto Pragopor 11 nitrocellulose filters under check details vacuum

and stored at + 4°C until analysis. The particles from the filter surface were resuspended by ablution with a new dose (5 ml) of 1% glutaraldehyde aqueous solution. Three microlitres of the concentrated phage stock preparation were placed onto a Formvar-carbon-coated 400-mesh palladium grid and allowed to adsorb on the grid until complete evaporation. The grid was then immediately stained with 1 drop of a 2% (wt/vol) aqueous uranyl acetate solution for 30 s and blotted with filter paper. At least 10 fields and 200 phage-like particles were examined under

a JEOL JEM-100S transmission electron microscope at an accelerating voltage of 60 kV and 10–25 000x instrumental magnification. Different types of particles were recognized on the basis of size, head morphology and tail characteristics (if present) from all the randomly taken micrographs. Estimates of particle Venetoclax mw abundance were based on a count of the virus-like particles on the calculable area of the screen. This calculation was performed assuming that 0.425 μl of the concentrated solution was applied onto 1 mm 2 of the grid area. The virus-like particles were counted on the area of the whole EM screen (45.36 cm 2). The original volume of the corresponding liquid was calculated by multiplying the picture area and the magnification. Samples (50 ml) for bacteria abundance were collected in PE bottles and immediately fixed with 0.2-μ-pore-size pre-filtered 37% formaldehyde (to a final concentration of 1%) and stored at –20°C until processing. Direct counts of bacteria were obtained using epifluorescence microscopy (OLYMPUS IX70 with a long-pass (LP) green-emission filter at 488 nm wavelengths to take close-ups at 1000×magnifications) by the examination of at least 10 randomly selected fields per slide, as described in Noble & Fuhrman (1998).

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