Growth of Candida xestobii in minimal medium in the presence of 50 g mL metolachlor and in MM with metolachlor plus sucrose y east extract, or sucrose plus yeast extract. Metolachlor degradation by Candida xestobii in MM in the presence of 50 g mL metolachlor i n MM plus sucrose, yeast extract, and sucrose plus yeast extract, and in control medium containing metolachlor but without added inoculum. Metolachlor MRM transitions were as follows: 283. 8 M t H 284. 2 252. 2 and 284. 2 176. 2. Minimal matrix effects were observed. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Metolachlor, a member of the chloroacetanilide class of herbicides, contains 15 carbon atoms and one nitrogen atom per molecule and, thus, can potentially serve as a nutrient source for microbial growth.
mTOR Inhibitors However, despite its use over the past 30 years, only a relatively few microorganisms that can incompletely transform metolachlor have been identified. This was thought to be due, in part, to its sorptive behavior, lack of bioavailability, and requirements for co meta bolism in the presence of microbial consortia. In the study reported here, we describe the isolation and identification of two microorganisms that were capable of using metolachlor as the sole source of C for growth. Both microbes were isolated, via enrichment, from the same Spanish soil with a history of metolachlor application. Microscopic and molecular analyses showed that the isolated organisms were a bacterium and a yeast. The bacterium was a Gram positive, spore forming, microorganism, and 16S rRNA sequence analysis confirmed the isolate was B.
simplex, with 99% nucleotide sequence similarity. The identification of the yeast was much more difficult, in part due to incomplete and complicated taxonomy of yeasts isolated from natural substrates, such as soil. Consequently, they are extremely difficult to differentiate phenotypically and are very often misidentified. Sequence analysis of 18S Nilotinib and 26S rDNA and the ITS region led to the conclusion that the isolated yeast was C. xestobii, with 99% nucleotide similarity in the GenBank CBS Yeast databases. Because only 2 bp differentiate C. xestobii and Pichia guillier mondii in the D1/D2 and ITS regions, species identity was confirmed by using biochemical analyses. The isolated yeast grew in MM containing glucose, sucrose, D xylose, trehalose, maltose, starch, and galactose, but failed to grow on rhamnose, inositol, lactose, D mannitol, and D arabinose.
Results of these analyses were consistent with taxonomic assignment of the yeast to C. xestobii. Growth and Degradation of Metolachlor by C. xestobii and B. simplex. The influence of culture media and carbon sources on the degradation of 50 g mL metolachlor was examined. The dis appearance of metolachlor Protease was determined to be due to microbial metabolism. Results in Figure 2A show that as C. xestobii grew in MM amended with metolachlor, with or without other added amendments, the concentration of metolachlor decreased to 40% of the initial concentration after 6 days of incubation. No further degradation of metolachlor was observed after this time.
Control media, which were not inoculated, did not exhibit metolachlor disappearance, in agreement with previous reports that metolachlor degradation is mainly due to biological rather than chemical processes. The greatest amount and fastest rate of metolachlor Protease degradation wereobservedinmetolachlormediumamendedwith 0. 04% of yeast extract. In contrast, whereas growth of the yeast was faster and greatest in metolachlor medium amended with sucrose and yeast extract, only about 20% of metol achlor was degraded after 9 days of incubation. Taken together, these results indicated that the yeast has the ability to catabolize metolachlor as a sole source of nutrients for growth, but preferred other nutrient sources, suchas yeast extract and sucrose, whichare probablyeasiertometabolize. Because the yeast also grew in MM amended only with metolachlor, data presented in Figure 2 also show that C.
xestobii uses metolachlor as a sole C source for growth. To our knowledge, this is the first reported yeast that has the ability to catabolize metolachlor and use this compound as sole C metolachlor. metolachlor, these cultures demonstrated a faster rate of degradation than that seen with the initial degradation of the compound. This indicated that C. HSP xestobii more actively degraded metolachlor following initial growth on this substrate, perhaps due to either the presence of more cells or the induction of enzymes required for metolachlor degradation. Results in Figure 4 show that B. simplex also grew in metola chlor medium, with or without added amendments. The initial concentration of metolachlor decreased 65% after 6 days of incubation, after which time no further degradation of the compound was observed.
The degradation of metolachlor by B. simplex was approximately 25% less than that observed with the yeast under the same conditions. The degradation rate of metolachlor was similar in the different culture media used, despite the greater growth observed when the growth medium containing metolachlor was amended with yeast extract or with sucrose plus yeastextract.