In bats, as in rodents, grid cells colocalize with head direction cells and border cells. More recently, grid cells
have been reported in monkeys, but here the hexagonal firing was determined by where the monkey fixated on a visual image (Killian et al., 2012). The dependence on view location in monkey grid cells is reminiscent of earlier work suggesting that in monkeys, hippocampal and parahippocampal cells fire when the animal looks at certain locations, independently 5-Fluoracil cost of where the animal is located (Rolls and O’Mara, 1995 and Rolls et al., 1997). Collectively, these findings suggest that in primate evolution, grid cells and place cells became responsive not only to changes in the speed and direction of locomotion, but also the velocity of the animal’s eye movements. Whether grid cells of monkeys are driven only by saccades or also by locomotion remains to be determined. The fact that grid cells have been reported in humans performing a virtual reality task (Jacobs et al., 2013) reinforces the view that, in primates, grid activity can be evoked by a spectrum of sensory inputs and that the grid network may be used for multiple purposes. Exploration of the variety of functions Compound Library supplier potentially served by grid cells in primates should certainly have priority. The mammalian space circuit is one of
the first nonsensory cognitive functions to be understood in mechanistic terms. With the presence of grid cells, and with the availability of new tools for selective activation and inactivation of circuit elements, it has become possible to study neural computation at the high end of the cortical hierarchy, far away from sensory inputs and motor outputs. A huge benefit of studying these cells is the close correspondence between the firing pattern and a property of the external world: the animal’s location in the environment. This correspondence provides researchers with easy experimental access to high-end neuronal most coding within the
circuits where the codes are generated. Understanding how space is created in this circuit may provide important clues about general principles for cortical computation that extend well beyond the domain of space, touching on the realms of thinking, planning, reflection, and imagination. We thank the European Research Council (“CIRCUIT” Advanced Investigator Grant, Grant Agreement 232608; “ENSEMBLE” Advanced Investigator Grant, Grant Agreement 268598), the Louis-Jeantet Prize for Medicine, the Kavli Foundation, and the Centre of Excellence scheme and the FRIPRO and NEVRONOR programs of the Research Council of Norway for support. “
“In recent years, there has been an explosion of interest in mapping the brain and its connections systematically across a range of spatial scales and in a number of species. This is embodied in the concept of a connectome as a “comprehensive” map of brain connectivity (Sporns et al., 2005).