Ls The experimental protocols were approved by the Institutional Animal her2 Care and Use Committee, University of Chicago. M MALE Wistar rats, 150 300 g were used in this study. The animals were housed under controlled environmental conditions It h dark with a cycle of 12. The rats were allowed free access to water and standard rat chow lab. Preparation and analysis of S. baicalensis root extract of S. baicalensis was obtained from Beijing Chinese Herbal Medicine Company, China. The sample was tested by Consumer Services plant applied and proved to be free of toxic pollutants. To prepare the extract, S. baicalensis root soaked in cold water for 2 hours, then in small pieces, which were treated with hot water for 1 h em cut. The filtrate after the treatment of hot water is obtained en concentrated in vacuo and lyophilized.
For the treatment of animals, the dried extract powder in normal saline Solution AV-951 gel St and centrifuged to remove residual particles, and supernatant was used. HPLC analysis of the extract was measured with a Shimadzu system on a Phenomenex Prodigy ODS at a rate of 0 8 min mL ?, And the absorbance was measured at 280 nm. A sample volume of 20 liters was obtained in the S Injected molecules using an automatic injector. A I Re L Solvent gradient of acetonitrile and 0 Phosphoric acid 03% in water was used as follows: 85% B, 72% B, 65% B, 50% B, 5% B, 5% B, 85% B, 85% calibration as important components of flavonoids S . baicalensis, scutellarin, baicalein and wogonin standards were prepared from methanol using a range of gel concentrations receive window.
Linear regression of Peakfl Chen The standard against the respective concentrations of standards was used to calculate the concentration in the extract of baicalein. Baicalein, which is considered one of the most important components in S. baicalensis has active, used in animal experiments. Measurement of rat pica respond to stimuli nausea and vomiting pica, which is manifested by an increased FITTINGS consumption of non-nutritive substances such as kaolin, a type of clay. Kaolin Granules according to the method described above were prepared. Briefly, the quality Mixed pharmacological t kaolin and acacia with a 99:1 ratio Ratio in distilled water. The kaolin paste was rolled into pieces Regular pellets similar Strength rat chow cut. The pellets were dried at room temperature for 72 h.
The rats were divided into individual K Provisional and isolation was the regular access to Reindeer food and kaolin w During an adjustment period allowed 3 days before the study. There were between five and eight rats in each group, the vehicle, the group ritonavir and ritonavir plus S. baicalensis baicalein or groups. The rats were new U ritonavir oral by gavage in the morning for 2 consecutive days. S. baicalensis extract, baicalein or vehicle pretreatment were injected intraperitoneally 30 minutes before each dose of ritonavir. The rats were immediately, h 2, and t Resembled observed for signs of stress. Granules of kaolin and food were on the n HIGHEST 0 weighed. 1 g and in separate containers ltering Within the K Figs in the morning. Kaolin and residues from the previous day was collected, dried for 72 h and weighed. Kaolin and t Possible food intake was measured, as described,