g, Fig 2) The majority of Esoptrodinium isolates cultured to d

g., Fig. 2). The majority of Esoptrodinium isolates cultured to date possess pale-green chloroplasts

as a consistent, intrastrain cellular characteristic (Calado et al. 2006, Fawcett and Parrow 2012). The psbA phylogeny presented here supports both the monophyly Opaganib research buy of these plastids and their ancestry as inherited peridinoid-type dinoflagellate plastids rather than kleptochloroplasts obtained from cryptophyte prey. The phylogenetic position of the cryptophyte prey psbA sequence was far removed from Esoptrodinium psbA. Furthermore, the topology of the Esoptrodinium psbA-based plastid phylogeny was the same as that produced from nuclear rDNA from the same isolates (Fawcett and Parrow 2012). This indicates a shared evolutionary

history of inheritance and divergence among Esoptrodinium nuclear and plastid compartments and/or genes. Alternatively, it is possible that the inferred Esoptrodinium (or entire dinoflagellate) psbA clade was wholly or partially an artifact of long branch attraction (Felsenstein 1978, Philippe and Laurent 1999). Dinoflagellate plastid genomes seem to evolve faster than the plastid genomes of other eukaryotes (Zhang et al. 2000), so long branch attraction may be unavoidable when dinoflagellate plastid gene sequences are placed in a phylogeny with other related sequences. However, some evidence suggests LEE011 that dinoflagellate plastid gene topologies represent real evolutionary relationships (Zhang et al. 2000, Santos et al. 2002, Garcia-Cuetos et al. 2010). Interpreted with caution, the results obtained compliment previous ultrastructural

(Calado et al. 2006), biochemical (Lindberg et al. 2005), and other phylogenetic MCE公司 data (Fawcett and Parrow 2012) in support of the hypothesis that possession of inherited, peridinoid-type plastids is the ancestral condition for Esoptrodinium and Tovelliaceae in general. Two Esoptrodinium isolates (RP and HP) appear to have lost phototrophy and undergone significant plastid reduction/degeneration. As shown here, these isolates lack detectable chlorophyll and appear incapable of phototrophy. Otherwise they appear indistinguishable in gross morphology under LM from chloroplast-bearing isolates obtained from different ponds. Cells of isolate RP contain cryptic, seemingly degenerate plastids that are only questionably visible in squashed cell preparations (Fawcett and Parrow 2012). The presence of these cryptic plastids was supported by amplification of an apparently mutated (see below) psbA sequence from this isolate, since psbA has been thus far found to occur specifically in the plastid genome of dinoflagellates (Lin 2011). Isolate HP, which contains no intracellular bodies identifiable as plastids using LM, yielded no psbA sequence despite repeated attempts.

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