Following the emergence of the 2009 A(H1N1) pandemic strain, a broad collaboration
of international institutions, governments, public health authorities, scientists and vaccine producers came together to address these challenges. These partners find more went on to mount the most complete pandemic response ever undertaken. • Rapid supply of pandemic vaccines. Three months after the June 2009 pandemic declaration, several manufacturers of inactivated and live attenuated vaccines had completed vaccine development, received regulatory authorization and undertaken production scale-up (see Fig. 1). Soon afterwards, a number of health authorities initiated immunization programs, with others following in the subsequent weeks and months. By December, over 30 vaccines had received approval, and more than 50 countries had started vaccination programs [1]. Manufacturers went on to supply significant quantities of pandemic vaccines to many countries around the world, while also supplying seasonal influenza vaccines to meet local needs in both the Northern and Southern hemispheres. The speed of this response was only possible because of the preparations undertaken in
the years preceding the 2009 pandemic. Fig. 1. Production process for initial batches of 2009 A(H1N1) influenza vaccines. For many years, international institutions, such as WHO and the European Union, called for pandemic preparations [4] and [5]. click here Manufacturers answered this call, and over the last 10 years committed significant resources to preparedness despite uncertain STK38 financial returns, and as a result enhanced the world’s response capabilities. • Substantial increase in vaccine production capacity.
Over a period of years, manufacturers steadily increased seasonal influenza vaccine supply. Independent estimates suggest capacity could continue to expand to approximately 1.4 billion seasonal doses per annum by 2014 [6]. In addition, manufacturers developed live attenuated, adjuvanted and whole virion inactivated pandemic vaccines, which met regulatory requirements with far lower antigen contents than are used in seasonal inactivated vaccines. By utilizing 3.75 μg–7.5 μg of antigen per monovalent dose [7], [8], [9], [10] and [11], rather than the 45 μg typically contained in inactivated trivalent seasonal vaccines [12] and [13], these pandemic vaccines in effect stretched antigen utilization 600–1200%. The combination of these advances increased pandemic vaccine production capacity significantly, with WHO estimating in July 2009 that it had reached 4.9 billion doses per year [14]. During the 2009 pandemic, vaccine manufacturers provided further contributions in addition to responding to requests for vaccine development and supply. Recognizing the importance of broad vaccine access, individual manufacturers put in place a number of measures to enhance global access.