Complementary and alternative medicine has been used for the well being of the general population, especially when conventional CYC202 modern medicine has failed to deliver and has also been used at times in conjunction with conventional medicine to obtain synergistic effects. The traditional Indian System of Medicine, namely, Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese medicine, Japanese traditional medicine, Unani, Siddha, and so forth, belong to the category of complementary and alternative medicines. For some or the other reason the alternative herbal treatment systems have so far been unable to enter mainstream medicine, though serious efforts are being made, in view of their effectiveness, to develop a strong evidence based standardization of Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, Traditional Chinese Medical Therapy, and other CAM so that they can aptly fit into the modern medicinal framework.
BMS-708163 Ayurveda, the traditional Indian system of medicine, has been widely used since centuries and a number of plants of the Indian subcontinent have been utilized for tackling almost every human ailment. Ayurveda,s focus is more on creating an energetic balance at the higher energetic or inner level. It sees all life and nature as constantly evolving towards a higher level of consciousness. Ayurvedic formulations have an impact at this higher level of consciousness, as well as the more gross body level. Ayurveda seeks to connect us with this intelligence inherent in nature. These profound concepts, based upon an astute understanding of the universal laws and practical observations about the world around, give us the indication about the holistic approach of Ayurveda and its potential in alleviating many health related problems afflicting the whole of humanity.
Several antiviral agents have been isolated from plants as a result of chemical and pharmacological studies in the recent years, and many have been derived from leads based on Ayurvedic and other traditional medicine principles. These agents include a variety of polyphenols, flavonoids, saponins, glucosides, and alkaloids. Here, we discuss various potential herbs that have been evaluated for their efficacy against flu viruses and hence can prove to be useful to combat the novel H1N1 pandemic. 5.1.1. Glycyrrhiza glabra. Also known as Yashtimadhu, Mulathee, and Licorice, Glycyrrhiza glabra derives its flavour principally from a sweet tasting compound called anethole benzene. Additional sweetness in licorice comes fromglycyrrhizic acid, an antiviral compound significantly sweeter than sugar.
Powdered licorice root is an effective expectorant, and has been used for this purpose since ancient times, especially in Ayurvedic medicine. The roots of the plant have been used for throat and upper respiratory tract related infections and contain many phenolic compounds such as flavonoids and their glycosides, coumarin, and cinnamic acid derivatives. Particularly from the Indian species, Glucosides, Liquiritin, and Isoliquiritin have also been isolated. The active compounds Triterpine, Saponins, particularly Glycyrrhizinic acid have shown antiviral activity. Polysaccharide fractions obtained from Glycyrrhiza glabra stimulate macrophages and hence elevate and assist immune stimulation. Also animal studies have revealed its efficacy against the influenza a virus that is mediated by stopping the virus replication.