A similar result was also found in the cyanobacterium Synechococc

A similar result was also found in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. at certain growth rates (Ahlgren and Hyenstrand 2003). The results in this study are consistent with those mentioned above, showing significantly higher contents of SFAs and MUFAs in all three algal species under the lowest N:P supply

ratio (N deficiency) at lower growth rates. This indicates that the observed increase in SFAs and MUFAs and the potential increase in TAGs could be triggered by the extremely N-deficient condition at lower growth CP-868596 mouse rates in the three species, which can be used to store carbon and energy to support growth when conditions improve (Dunstan et al. 1993). The responses of PUFAs to N deficiency revealed no consistent pattern in the three species in this study, showing significantly higher PUFA, ALA, and EPA contents in Rhodomonas sp., relatively lower PUFA and EPA contents in P. tricornutum, and no clear response of PUFAs in I. galbana at lower selleck chemicals llc growth rates. Similar to Rhodomonas sp. in this study, R. salina in Malzahn et al. (2010)

also had higher PUFA contents under the N-depleted condition. In general, PUFAs are important components of cellular membrane lipids (Guschina and Harwood 2009). However, TAGs in some microalgae have been found to be a depot of PUFAs under stressful conditions (e.g., N starvation and the stationary growth phase), which can be mobilized for growth at favorable conditions (Cohen et al. 2000, Khozin-Goldberg et al. 2002). The capacity of marine phytoplankton to incorporate n-3 PUFAs into TAGs has shown interspecific differences (Tonon et al. 2002). This may contribute to variation in PUFA responses to N deficiency between the three species in this study. Based on our results, the effect of nutrient supply on PUFAs associated with TAGs is suggested to be addressed in future studies. The responses of PUFAs to P deficiency also showed interspecific differences in this study, with markedly lower PUFA, ALA, and EPA contents in Rhodomonas sp., relatively higher PUFA and EPA contents in P. tricornutum, and no clear response of PUFAs in I. galbana at lower growth rates. Harrison et al.

(1990) reported species-specific responses of PUFAs to P starvation, showing a reduced amount of Interleukin-2 receptor DHA in both Chaeotoceros calcitrans and Thalassiosira pseudonana and a reduced EPA only in T. pseudonana. In contrast, a higher EPA content was observed in the marine flagellate Pavlova lutheri under higher N:P supply ratios (P deficiency; Carvalho et al. 2006). These findings further reveal highly variable responses of PUFAs in phytoplankton under P deficiency. As mentioned above, PUFAs are important membrane lipid components (Guschina and Harwood 2009). Phospholipids as a main group of membrane lipids are major biochemical reservoirs of P in marine plankton (Van Mooy et al. 2009). Thus, the inhibition of phospholipid synthesis under P deficiency might explain the reduced PUFA content in phytoplankton, e.g.

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