673 0.109 −0.591 0.01 Low:intermediate cloudiness −1.463 0.038 a:b:a
Low:high cloudiness −0.065 0.94 Intermediate:high cloudiness 1.399 0.049 Low:intermediate wind speed −0.196 0.49 a:a:a Low:high wind speed NA NA Intermediate:high wind speed −0.196 0.49 n is number of bouts; l:i:h is category abbreviations: low:intermediate:high; NA could not be tested due to lack of data; Nutlin-3 order effects are on tendencies to start flying; P values based on Z score; categories sharing the same letter (a,b,c) are not significantly different (P > 0.05) The tendency to start flying was enhanced at intermediate and high temperatures (M. jurtina, P = 0.018, P = 0.039 resp.), and at intermediate and high radiation (C. pamphilus, P = 0.004; M. www.selleckchem.com/products/Roscovitine.html athalia, P = 0.004, P = 0.002 resp.). Intermediate and high cloudiness showed negative effects on this tendency for C. pamphilus (P = 0.026; P < 0.0001 resp.) and M. athalia (P = 0.038 for intermediate cloudiness only), while it was enhanced at intermediate cloudiness for M. jurtina (P = 0.015). The tendency to start
flying was not affected by wind speed, while in general it was enhanced for males (C. pamphilus, P = 0.026; P. argus, P = 0.045). The influence of measured wind speed on observed duration of flying and non-flying bouts for C. pamphilus is summarized in the scheme in Appendix Fig. 5, based on both Tables 3 and 4. The width of the bars shows the duration of flying and non-flying bouts relative to the baseline situation (wind speed ≤1Bft). Time budget analysis The proportion of RG-7388 cost time spent flying was not affected by temperature (Fig. 2). This proportion was less for low radiation, compared with intermediate and high radiation (C. pamphilus, W low:intermediate = 715.5, P = 0.029; W low:high = 161.5, P = 0.042). The
proportion of time spent flying was affected by cloudiness in various ways, depending Immune system on the species. It decreased from low to intermediate to high cloudiness for C. pamphilus (W low:intermediate = 584, P = 0.029; W low:high = 513, P = 0.001; W intermediate:high = 1124, P = 0.019), it showed an optimum at intermediate cloudiness for M. jurtina (less time was devoted to flight behaviour under low and high cloudiness in respect to intermediate cloudiness; W low:intermediate = 10, P = 0.009; W intermediate:high = 208, P = 0.026), and it showed a minimum for intermediate cloudiness for M. athalia (more time was devoted to flight behaviour under low and high cloudiness in respect to intermediate cloudiness; W low:intermediate = 53, P = 0.028; W intermediate:high = 8, P = 0.043). The proportion of time spent flying was less at low wind speed than at intermediate and high wind speed (C. pamphilus, W low:intermediate = 705, P = 0.036; W low:high = 444, P = 0.014). Fig. 2 Proportion of time devoted to certain behaviour is shown per weather variable and covariate category.