3C), but the signal of both fluorescent fusions was also slightly

3C), but the signal of both fluorescent fusions was also slightly shifted. In these late stationary phase bacteria, both foci also colocalized with dense refractile bodies seen in differential interference contrast (DIC) (Fig. 3C). At t36, the polar IbpA-YFP foci were more frequent and were larger and brighter compared with non-polar IbpA-YFP foci. Western blot analyses showed that the IbpA-YFP fusion was not cleaved (data not shown). Figure 3 IbpA-YFP and PdhS-mCherry localization

pattern in stationary culture phase E. coli. A, early selleckchem stationary phase; B, middle stationary phase; C, late stationary phase. Pictures were taken with Normarski (DIC), as well as YFP and mCherry typical fluorescence.

The same parameters were applied for each culture condition. Scale bar: 2 μm. All micrographic images were taken with the same magnification. Figure 4 IbpA-YFP and PdhS-mCherry colocalization pattern in stationary culture phase E. coli. A, Partial colocalization of IbpA-YFP and PdhS-mCherry. Relative fluorescent intensity was computed along the dotted white bar. B, Distribution of relative fluorescent signal as shown in A. In green, fluorescent distribution of IbpA-YFP signal. In red, PdhS-mCherry fluorescent signal. Time-lapse experiments were performed to monitor the kinetics of the cytoplasmic distribution of PdhS-mCherry and IbpA-YFP fusions. Mid stationary growth phase bacteria (t12) were plated on LB 4-Aminobutyrate aminotransferase agarose pads and observed every two minutes at 37°C (see Materials and Methods). selleck chemicals We observed a very dynamic localization pattern of IbpA-YFP foci in bacteria that did not contain a PdhS-mCherry aggregate (Fig. 5A). In contrast, when the PdhS-mCherry aggregate was present in t12

bacteria, IbpA-YFP foci moved from pole to pole until they colocalized with the immobile PdhS-mCherry foci (movie S1, Fig. 5B and 5C), which in turn progressively disappeared, as previously observed (Fig. 2). In the late stationary phase cultures, the large IbpA-YFP polar clusters colocalizing with PdhS-mCherry did not move (data not shown). Figure 5 Dynamic localization pattern of IbpA-YFP in stationary growth phase E. coli. Fluorescent micrographic images of middle stationary phase bacteria plated on rich medium taken every 2 minutes. A: IbpA-YFP; B: IbpA-YFP (yellow) and PdhS-mCherry (red). C: Fluorescence intensity of IbpA-YFP (green) and PdhS-mCherry (red) fusions at times T0, T0+4 minutes and T0+6 minutes. Scale bar: 1 μm PdhS-mCherry fusions in fluorescent foci of mid stationary phase cells display properties of folded proteins Since the PdhS-mCherry foci observed during the mid stationary phase did not colocalize with IbpA-YFP, it was tempting to speculate that PdhS-mCherry fusions were correctly folded in these aggregates.

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