All patients gave informed written consent, both for study partic

All patients gave informed written consent, both for study participation and the provision of a tumor sample. In the pre-specified SATURN study analyses (SATURN protocol-defined EGFR IHC), EGFR protein expression was assessed

by IHC with the Dako EGFR PharmDx kit (DakoCytomation, Berkeley, CA). Samples were classified as EGFR IHC positive if ≥10% of the tumor cells demonstrated membranous staining of any intensity. At the time of the prospective pre-planned analysis, an exploratory H-score-based (without magnification rule) cut-off search was also undertaken to determine a threshold for patient benefit according to EGFR IHC expression. All patients seemed to benefit, therefore a cut-off based on this marker could not be determined (Fig. 1). The updated H-score method (EGFR IHC by H-score with magnification rule), first developed in 2003 by Hirsch et al. [11] was recently adapted for the FLEX study by Pirker

et al. [10]. PD0325901 cell line This method assigns an IHC H-score to each patient on a continuous scale of 0–300, based on the percentage of cells at different staining intensities visualized at different magnifications (unlike the previously used H-score method visualized at one magnification) [10]. Membrane staining was scored according to four categories: 0 for ‘no staining’, 1 + for ‘light staining Fluorouracil visible only at high magnification’, 2 + for ‘intermediate staining’ and 3 + for ‘dark staining of linear membrane, visible even at low magnification’ as seen in Supplementary Fig. 1. The percentage of cells at different staining intensities was determined by visual assessment, with the score calculated using the formula 1 × (% of 1 + cells) + 2 × (% of 2 + cells) + 3 × (% of 3 + cells) [10]. As per the FLEX analysis, the outcome-based discriminatory threshold IHC H-score for this analysis was set at Enzalutamide order 200 and existing samples were re-read and scored according to the above method. Samples were then classified as either low (H-score < 200; IHC negative) or high (≥200; IHC positive) for EGFR protein

expression. A secondary analysis was also carried out using the new reading results with the original protocol-defined designation of EGFR IHC-positive status as ≥10% any membrane staining. Fig. S1 H-score assessment of EGFR staining intensities according to the H-score plus magnification rule. Image A and B show a tumor with 3+ membrane staining, which is visible at low power. Images C and D show a moderate membrane staining at low power with confirmed intercellular linear staining at higher magnification. Image E shows membrane staining at 1+ intensity with high magnification required for unequivocal scoring of linear intercellular staining. Image F shows a negative case with no certain membranous staining at high power magnification. The IHC scoring assessment was performed by a commercial lab, Targos Advance (Kassel, Germany).

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