S core features and Rifapentine 61379-65-5 angiographic findings. The study is shown in Figure 1. From January 2006 to May 2008 2977 patients from 10 regional centers were in the h Catharina Pital for prime Re PCI in STEMI transferred. Of the total of 2.977 patients with acute STEMI were included 907 in the study and randomly assigned to one of four groups described above. Reasons why patients do not f Rderf compatibility available or not give informed consent are outlined in Figure 1. As a contr These were the unbiased compared to patients who were eligible, but in which no consent was given or not to participate in the study for other reasons must be the basic characteristics were compared with randomly assigned to the baseline characteristics of patients. No difference in any of the basic properties.
Two previous studies of SES in STEMI are in the size S comparable with the n Be. The TYPHOON trial was the first randomized clinical study, the SES and BMS in patients with STEMI and 712 significantly reduced the incidence of TVR for patients who showed again U compared SES compared to BMS. The test protocol in this study required visualization of the essential Commission prior to randomization. The randomization was carried out immediately after coronary angiography, myocardial infarction when patent was used or returned to the blood flow through the placement of a guidewire or balloon angioplasty. However, patients from pre-angiography, avoiding selection bias. Our inclusion criteria are similar to those of the test, multi-strategy. In this study, 744 patients with STEMI were randomized to SES with a bolus dose of tirofiban with abciximab and BMS too high. to 8 months, the MACE rate h ago than in those with BMS was compared with those who were treated with SES. Compared with the two tests, our rate of TVR in the BMS group is somewhat lower. This nnte k Explained Ren why we found less reduction in the incidence of TVR at 1 year. In addition, k Strict selection criteria can in the trial of typhoons and the shortest duration of follow multi-strategy play in the study, an R On, as well as the fact that our study, a single-center study that included consecutive patients were referred with STEMI for primary Re PCI and therefore better reflect the t Daily practice.
Our rate of stent thrombosis at 1 year was 4% in both groups of stents, which is consistent with the results buy Dorzolamide of other tests. This finding is also consistent with the results of a recent analysis of stent thrombosis in the HORIZONS AMI trial, which found no correlation between the type of implanted stent and the occurrence of stent thrombosis was up to 2 years. The abciximab versus no abciximab. We found a significant reduction in the primary Ren endpoint in patients treated with abciximab, principally Chlich driven by significantly reducing the need for reintervention by stent thrombosis. Treatment with abciximab significantly reduced the rate of stent thrombosis without the risk of stroke. Treatment with abciximabsignificantly erh Hte rate of bleeding complications. In the opinion of the incidence of MI Zielgef much lower than the incidence of stent thrombosis, which requires an explanation population-Related Patients with acute inhos S.