Parthenolide (-)-Parthenolide independent Independent sample t-tests were examined

Ct injection onto the HPLC-S Column parthenolide (-)-Parthenolide for the separation of 5HT, 5 S Acid and Homovanillins Acid Hydroxyindolessigs Acid. 2.10. Statistical differences between group analysis in animals with saline Solution alone or GFP treated only by independent Independent sample t-tests were examined, unless otherwise noted, these were two-sided tests. Analysis of the effects of asenapine on the group means of behavioral data were performed with 1 or 2 factor ANOVA, where appropriate followed by post-hoc tests using p 0.05 considered significant. The statistical approach to analyze the neurochemical effects was asenapine of the planned comparisons between the mean values in certain groups. Comparisons are based on behavior-based data. Zun Would contribute Highest as relevant neurochemical Ver Changes, cognitive to adversely-Induced PCP authority card due to a difference between the group receiving saline Solution alone were treated and handled the group with PCP, leading the averages of the two groups were compared for the first time. Represented Secondly, as a neuro-chemical shift changes Who was involved in the restoration of cognitive performance, is a reversal of Ver Changes of PCP in the group receiving 150 mg / kg asenapine induced, the mean values of the two groups were compared. PCP-treated animals lower doses asenapine not represent a significant improvement in behavior, ASE150 PCP was the only group that displayed a significant improvement in behavior. Sun planned comparisons of these two pairs of group means were carried out on the other hand, after a comprehensive analysis of variance analysis, using a general linear modeling program. Third Results 3.1. Behavioral deficits in the PPC model 3.1.1. Reversal Learning Zun Highest, we investigated whether the administration in the manufacture of PCP cognitive deficits succeeded, as expected, by comparing the performance of the controlled And the monkeys exposed to PCP in the acquisition of discrimination and the stain of inversion in 7 reviews PCP office. Repeated measures ANOVA showed main effects of treatment group interaction and group treatment for finding errors reversal 105.8, p 0.0001, group time: F 3.0, p = 0.01 and test criteria to 6.3, p 0 to topple 03, group time: F 3.4, p 0.005. Errors or seeking acquisition or testing of criteria for the acquisition have anything similar effects or interactions. Based on these results, re-examined the performance of the reversal learning in each of the weeks after administration of PCP tests. One week after the last dose of PCP or saline Solution, exposed to PCP monkeys made more errors before the first selection of the object in the fall and newlyreinforced obliged to meet all criteria in the fall and ben CONFIRMS still further experiments, as criteria Turning saline subjects reach. Three weeks after the last dose of PCP, were M Ngel still measurable, PCP-treated monkeys made more errors look inversion, if not more, further tests are needed to achieve the overall selection criteria of the object to positive. In the fourth week, PCP monkeys exposed to more mistakes Research Bicalutamide reversing the Salzl Sung control group, criteria for recovery not impaired by chronic administration of the PNP Chtigt is, at this point of time. 3.1.2. Recovery salvage objects / detour / detour task is an acquisition, the F Ability, a cognitive glad that visually guided reaching t tests to learn st.

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